+1 647-739-2112

EsteemERP in action For Business Managers

Organisations are undergoing a digital transformation. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs are focusing to increase the performance and optimise the utilisation. Our simplified, ERP solutions have industry functionality built in. We make it easier for you to support your needs and grow your business.

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    Shows the overall summary, and what is new in the organization. All the proper navigation methods are provided.

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    Real Time Tracking and Monitoring

    It alloes you to track the Actvity,Document and an Item in real time including its history.

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    Customer Files & CRM

    Customer Details , Orders Pay-in and Rating

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    Sales & Marketing

    This allows you to increase the business volume by optimizing the sales,costing and marketing.

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    Cost Advantage

    The application used all the possible measures to manage the cost by reducing the Hardware costs, Optimising the operator effciency ,light weight interface to speed up the productity,suggession tools and many more.

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  • As a Powerful Analysis & Estimation Tool


    You can analise the exisiting information and convert it as a projection tool for the future business.

  • Easy Manageable Modules


    It allows you to Assign, Manage and Monitor the modules to Divisions / People.

  • Centralised Data Control


    This allows you to control and manage your entire data centrally.

  • Cloud Enabled


    This allows you access data through cloud platform across any supporting device from any location.

  • Data Safety and Protection


    This allows you to safeguard yoru data from unauthorised access and manipulation. Our backup engine prevents the data loss too.